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Guatemala Finca El Socorro Macaturra Washed

Image of Guatemala Finca El Socorro Macaturra Washed


Juan Diego de la Cerda has made a name for himself and his family’s farm El Socorro by consistently securing top scoring coffees in Guatemala Cup Of Excellence competition, including winning 1st place four times with their gesha coffee

The farm was originally part of Hacienda San Guayaba. In 1968, Dr. Mario de la Cerda and his wife, Maria Colom de la Cerda, reclaimed the property for the family. In 1980, their son, Juan de la Cerda Colom, began cultivating coffee, marking the start of a legacy now carried forward by the fourth generation. Today, Juan de la Cerda and his son, Juan Diego, are dedicated to continuing to produce some of the best coffees in the world.

Their success stems from strict quality control across the entire process, including plant/farm management, picking protocols, fermentation, and drying.

The 750ha farm features an efficient ecological wet mill, which dry-depulps coffee cherries, and mechanically transports the coffee which then reuses water during processing. Since 2005, The El Socorro team have conducted experiments to standardize the fermentation process using hot water, achieving excellent results with faster fermentation times. Their coffees are dried on patios and in a greenhouse, to ensure consistent quality.

55% of the farm is reserved for natural forest with native trees interspersed with coffee plants to provide adequate shade and protect biodiversity. Power is generated by solar panels to operate the equipment on the farm.


Origin Guatemala
Variety Macaturra
Process Washed
Factory NA
Region Palencia
Farmers Juan Diego
Station NA
Drying Practices Patios and Greenhouse
Elevation (MASL) 1540-1850
Origin Cup Score 86.75


Farmer-first Information

We take a farmer-first approach when sourcing our coffee, recognizing that the best coffee often comes from family-owned farms. Our commitment ensures that farmers are fairly compensated for producing the highest quality coffee. Our approach goes beyond coffee; it's about empowering farmers and their families to thrive.

  • Farmer/Producer Relationship Length with BLCC: 1 years
  • Farm Gate (price paid to farmer):  $6.50 FOB(per lb)
  • Fairtrade Premium (source: $3.24 (per lb)
  • Percent above Fairtrade Premium: 200%

Facts about Coffee Farms across the world

It's a fact that the world's coffee comes from families, not big corporations. Every bag of coffee that we deliver to you comes directly from these incredible coffee-producing families. Their dedication to their craft and commitment to sustainable practices truly make every sip of our coffee a unique experience. This is the ethos that drives us every single day.

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