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Barronett Blend Transparency Report



Located in the quiet backwoods of Northwest Wisconsin lies the town of Barronett, population 87 people.

Barronett serves a main connection route for connecting travelers to all that Wisconsin has to offer in outdoor recreation. Barronett is the official location of our retail coffeehouse, and the heart of our roasting operations. What better then to name our Flagship Coffee after the town we call home and to honor those who have lived in this small area of Wisconsin for decades.

 Our flagship Barronett Blend is designed to be a daily sipping coffee to appease all that claim coffee as a daily part of their lives. A 50/50 blend of amazing coffees from El Salvador and Costa Rica, comforting notes of dark chocolate and caramel drive this cup. So cozy up next to the fire, or sit on the front porch watching the sunrise with Barronett Blend.


el salvador   costa rica  

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