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A Dream Team and Micro-Roastery Fueled by Clean Energy A Dream Team and Micro-Roastery Fueled by Clean Energy

A Dream Team and Micro-Roastery Fueled by Clean Energy

A Dream Team and Micro-Roastery Fueled by Clean Energy

We made some significant progress in August!

Our renovation continued and we began our search for a store manager and head roaster. Our vision is to have a soft opening in Fall/Winter 2023 and a grand opening in Summer 2024. I am excited to share some details on our progress this month!

The search for our Dream Team begins!

We started our search for our Store Manager and Head Roaster. If you know someone with an entrepreneurial spirit, grit, a love for people & coffee, and isn’t afraid to stand out... we would love to talk to them! Please email us at These will be full-time positions and will be based on a four-day workweek model that proved out during the pandemic. This model focuses on achieving the same productivity over a 4-day 32-hour work week vs working the 5-day 40-hour grind – all with the same pay and benefits. It has proven to offer numerous benefits, including improved work-life balance, enhanced well-being, increased productivity, and reduced commuting challenges.

If you are interested or know someone that could be a great fit, contact us.

Our Micro-Roastery is taking shape!

Things are getting real in our roastery area! The roaster and afterburner were delivered, and we started finishing the carpentry on the micro-roastery enclosure. It looks great!

A Sneak Peek into Our Micro-Roastery, August 2023

What is a Micro-Roaster?

Let’s talk specifics here . . . micro-roasters produce less than 100,000 pounds of coffee annually. Large commercial roasters produce millions of pounds of coffee a year. Our focus will be all about crafting small batches of family-grown specialty coffee beans. We will be a haven for coffee-loving enthusiasts who value quality, transparency, and a dash of innovation!

Powering Up with Clean Energy!

The last 8 years have been the hottest on record, and I think we all can agree that climate change is real, so we all have to do our part to take better care of the planet. This month, we've taken big steps by starting the installation of our solar pergola. We're not only cutting down on our carbon footprint but also powering up our operations with renewable clean energy. Not just that; we've also set up EV chargers that run primarily on renewable energy. It’s a fact that renewable-powered EV vehicles are better for the environment than traditional gas-powered vehicles. For more useful information, check out – Electric Vehicle Myths on the US Environmental Protection Agency site.

Embracing Renewable Energy Upgrades

 "Every great oak tree was once a little seed who held its ground."

~ Unknown

I love this quote because it reminds me that every significant achievement, like becoming a tall oak tree, began with a small start as a tiny seed. With the right determination and dedication to nurture this small seed, great things can happen. Watching the seeds for this first location get planted over the course of the summer, I have no doubt it will be a beautiful oak someday! Wishing you all the best in the remaining days of summer!  

Looking forward to spilling more beans (pun intended) about our progress next month!

Best regards,

Gabe Signature
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